Saturday, July 01, 2006

Cheque/Check Printing

Ok. I suppose some people would regard it as a bit quirky, but there are certain things that really bring a smile to my face - and nice stationery is one of them. Odd, I know, but when I was younger I used to fantasize about running an Stationery store. Sometimes, I just like things to be right.

When running my own small business I noticed that the 'Big Boys' - you know, the large nationals and multinationals with zillions of pounds to spend on software and printed products - would invariably send their cheques / checks with all the details printed in from a database. My own handwritten ones looked rather sad in comparison. I envied the professional image that the printed cheques / checks produced.

If you are still reading, you will be as relieved as I was to discover CheckPrinter, which now allows me to do just what I have been yearning to for weeks, and the software is not expensive either. Now I can insert the blank bank issue cheques / checks into my printer and configure them onscreen, and then print. There's also support for scanning your signature into the program, and for a range of cheque / check sizes (with the business version).

cheque check

It is a brilliant, inexpensive little program that does exactly what it says.

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